Source code for base

This is the base module for all other objects of the package.

    + `LaTeX` returns a LaTeX string out of an `Irene` object.
    + `base` is the parent of all `Irene` objects.

[docs]def LaTeX(obj): r""" Returns LaTeX representation of Irene's objects. """ from sympy.core.core import ordering_of_classes from Irene import SDPRelaxations, SDRelaxSol, Mom inst = isinstance(obj, SDPRelaxations) or isinstance( obj, SDRelaxSol) or isinstance(obj, Mom) if inst: return obj.__latex__() elif isinstance(obj, tuple(ordering_of_classes)): from sympy import latex return latex(obj)
[docs]class base(object): r""" All the modules in `Irene` extend this class which perform some common tasks such as checking existence of certain software. """ def __init__(self): from sys import platform self.os = platform if self.os == 'win32': import os BASE = os.sep.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).split(os.sep)) + os.sep self.Path = dict(csdp=BASE + "csdp.exe", sdpa=BASE + "sdpa.exe") else: self.Path = dict(csdp="csdp", sdpa="sdpa")
[docs] @staticmethod def which(program): r""" Check the availability of the `program` system-wide. Returns the path of the program if exists and returns 'None' otherwise. """ import os def is_exe(filepath): return os.path.isfile(filepath) and os.access(filepath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs] def AvailableSDPSolvers(self): r""" find the existing sdp solvers. """ existing = [] # CVXOPT try: import cvxopt existing.append('CVXOPT') except ImportError: pass if self.os == 'win32': from os.path import isfile # DSDP if 'dsdp' in self.Path: if isfile(self.Path['dsdp']): existing.append('DSDP') # SDPA if 'sdpa' in self.Path: if isfile(self.Path['sdpa']): existing.append('SDPA') if 'csdp' in self.Path: if isfile(self.Path['csdp']): existing.append('CSDP') else: # DSDP if self.which('dsdp5') is not None: existing.append('DSDP') # SDPA if self.which('sdpa') is not None: existing.append('SDPA') # CSDP if self.which('csdp') is not None: existing.append('CSDP') return existing