============================= Revision History ============================= **Version 1.2.2 (Mar 15, 2017)** - Serialization and pickling: Saving the latest state of the program on break which can be retrieved later and resume. **Version 1.2.1 (Mar 2, 2017)** - Removed dependency on ``joblib`` for multiprocessing. **Version 1.2.0 (Jan 5, 2017)** - LaTeX representation of Irene's objects. - ``SDRelaxSol`` can be called as an iterable. - Default objective function is set to a ``sympy`` object for truncated moment problems. **Version 1.1.0 (Dec 25, 2016 - Merry Christmas)** - Extracting minimizers via ``SDRelaxSol.ExtractSolution()`` and help of ``scipy``, - Extracting minimizers implementing Lasserre-Henrion algorithm, - Adding ``SDPRelaxations.Probability`` and ``SDPRelaxations.PSDMoment`` to give more flexibility over moments and enables rational minimization. - SOS decomposition implemented. - ``__str__`` method for ``SDPRelaxations``. - Using `pyOpt` as the external optimizer. - More benchmark examples. **Version 1.0.0 (Dec 07, 2016)** - Initial release (Birth of Irene)